
just your average korean-born, french-speaking, minnesota-based jew, sharing my thoughts about anything and everything that piques my interest. please post comments/critiques/questions, i need feedback. oh and there probably won't actually be a whole lot of asian or jewish content. go figure.


You want your belt to buckle, not your chair...

I had a fatty weekend. Can't lie. I spent the majority of my time watching the World Cup, hanging out with friends, helping my brother move, and attending his going away dinner. Plenty of good times, but these activities equated to a less than stellar diet: the lowlights included a renewal of an on-again, off-again affair with McDonald's dollar menu, a Papa John's gorging session slathered with guilt-infused garlic butter, a breakfast and lunch consisting entirely of chicken fingers and Newcastle Brown Ale, and some of the weirdest tacos I've ever seen.

In light of my recent indulgences, I revisited a website I had found last winter entitled 'Eat this, not that,' which I believe is based upon a book of the same title. The following are a few of the random facts that I found:

-A Burger King cheeseburger with small fries has the same amount of sodium as 5 Big Grab Bags of Lay's Potato Chips.

-One 24oz Coldstone PB&C shake has the sugar equivalent of 30 Chewy Chips Ahoy cookies, and the saturated fat content of 68 strips of bacon. Wow.

-One 12oz Sierra Nevada Bigfoot beer=One 12-pack of Michelob Ultra (in terms of carbs). Granted, it's a strong beer (9.8% abv), but still.

While I was temporarily relieved to know that it could've been worse, the only real relief from my gutbomb-laden weekend came in the form of a hard workout at the gym, running around outside coaching soccer, and eating split green peas with brown rice. However, I am headed to the Twins game tomorrow night, we'll see how many Iroquois Twists it takes for me to make up for the walleye on-a-stick, Kramarczuk's brats, and Summit that I won't be able to resist. Bonus points if you got the Iroquois Twist reference.

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